村田兼一 少女観音展 5月30日~6月15日
In any given age or geographic region, the expression of eroticism has been entrusted to sacred deities. While followers of the Christian faith more than often portrayed Mary in this role, Buddhism found its outlet in depictions of the goddess Kannon (Guan Yin) as the female receptacle of eroticism. It is in the vein that Ken’ichi Murata presents his “Maiden Kannon” albeit in a manner stylistically his own. Here we see a contrast of the image of innocent girl with their indecent, lascivious poses. Behind the characteristic gestures being formed by the girls, we cannot help but imagining the grin of a mischievous boy on Murata’s face. Iizawa Kotaro (photography critic)
May 25 (Fri) – June 15(Sun) “Ken’ichi Murata Photo Exhibition”
Gallery hours during the exhibition are 12:00-18:00 from Wednesday through Sunday (19:00 on Friday) The Gallery is closed on Monday and Tuesday.