口枷屋モイラ・村田タマ二人展「少女ロイド 2 -Sweet Memories-」
自身を被写体にした活動を続けてきた口枷屋モイラと村田タマ。二人が扮する少女型アンドロイドが、約一年ぶりに帰ってくる。「少女」の表象が持つ様々な問題や可能性を真剣に自覚し、己が身を惜しげなく活用して作品を打ち出す二人を前にして、我々は男女を問わず自らと相手の欲望、及びその表現について、再考と熟考を迫られる。前回の展示の副題は「Girl’s Fiction」だったが、今回はその後、時を経て過去を回想する意味が込められている。彼女たちは、この一年の間にどのような表現の進化/深化を遂げたであろう。口枷屋モイラはフェティシズムの分野で、村田タマは童話的世界観の中で、さらなる戦略を進めていそうだ。前回の二人展よりもさらに、二人の対照性が際立ちそうである。そんな二人の作品が一つの空間の中で、各々の強い個性を爆発させながらも共存・調和する様子が今から目に浮かぶ。(英文学研究者/市川 純)
Murata Tama and Kuchikaseya Moira are continuing their work using themselves as their own subject matter. The two once again assume their Girldroid personas for the first time in about a year. Taking into sincere appreciation the various problems and possibilities they encounter when presenting the “young girl,” the viewer is presented an unsparing self-exploitation in the works they have put forth. We the viewers, both men and women alike, are urged to reflect on and reconsider what we consider a person’s desire and its representation. The subtitle of the previous exhibition was “Girl’s Fiction,” and that theme still persists as we apparently move on into the future and find this past being recalled. They will undoubtedly show how have they progressed in regards to their depth and developmentin the past year.
It appears that they have each strategically advanced within their own genres: Kuchikaseya Moira in the area of fetishism, Murata Tama in a fairy-tale world.
In any case, the contrast between the two is much more dramaticically visible than at their last collaborative exhibition. Our eyes are finally enticed by the works of the two presented in a single showing, the explosive individuality of each coming together to form a harmonious coexistence. Ichikawa Jun, Scholar in English Literature
~少女たちの幸せだった頃の記憶 一年ぶりに二人展、少女ロイド2を行います。口枷屋モイラ名義の新作や、コラボの新作もあります!少女ロイドコラボグッズの新作も♡是非、見にいらして下さい。