モイラ嬢のための9つの変奏曲 9 Variations for Mademoiselle Moira
謎めいた微笑を浮かべる永遠の美少女、モイラ嬢は、様々な刺激によって、自在にその体色や様態を変容させる変異体(mutant)でもある。今回は9組(10人)の写真家、アーティストとの接近遭遇により、ものの見事に七変化ならぬ九変化を見せてくれた。純真無垢な女生徒から、妖艶な魔性の女、近未来のアンドロイドまで、彼女の中に潜んでいたとてつもない変身能力が、いまや完全に開花しつつあることがよくわかる。モイラ嬢が奏でる変奏曲の調べは、ハメルンの笛吹きの音色のように、聞くものをうっとりとさせ、別の世界へと誘ってくれるだろう。 飯沢耕太郎(写真評論家)
The eternally beautiful young girl with an enigmatic smile, Mademoiselle Moira is also a mutant, freely changing color and form in response to various stimuli. Working closely with 9 different units (10 artists in total),she exceeds the kabuki dance of the seven dramatic costume changes, raising the bar to an amazing nine changes. One may well understand her innate ability to transform from the innocent school girl to the voluptuous femme fatale to the android of the near future, revealed here impeccably. When one takes the time to listen to the variations Mademoiselle Moira plays with her imagery, one will be absorbed and drawn into another world as if enticed by the Pied Piper of Hamlin.
Iizawa Kotaro (photography critic)
Jan 8 (Wed) – Jan 25 (Sat) “9 Variations for Mademoiselle Moira”
Gallery hours during the exhibition are 12:00-18:00 from Wednesday through Sunday (19:00 on Friday) The Gallery is closed on Monday and Tuesday.