口枷屋モイラ・村田タマ二人展「少女ロイド -Girl’s Fiction-」
Having been present at a number of shoots, I have come to understand what these two are all about.In my case, there is a model and I take photographs. However, as they are their own subjects, they apply their make-up and go the extra mile in their shoots. Donning the sailor suits as they play the everyday schoolgirls, their extraordinary story unfolds with every soft shutter click. Murata Ken’ichi, photographer
ストーリー 2XXX年、人類はゆるやかに滅んでいった。
人類の減少に伴い、学校制度や社会は機能しなくなった。はるか昔に従来の結婚制度は殆ど崩壊し、家族も共に暮らすことはなく、人々は好みのアンドロイドと生活していた。その中でも最も愛されたのが「少女ロイド」。 好きな年齢に設定でき、マスターの好みをインプットし、アンドロイドたちはどんな要望にも答えた。
In the year 2XXX, humanity was slowly disappearing off the face of the planet.
As the number of people decreased, schools and society ceased to function.The traditional idea of marriage had become ancient history. People no longer lived with their families. Rather, they lived with androids customized to their liking. One of the most popular models was the “Girldroid”. They could be programmed to correspond to a specific age, and would be able to do anything that the master programmed them to do. –Hundreds of years after the last humans had died, two Girldroids suddenly open their eyes.
口枷を使ったフェティシュかつコンセプチュアルな作家「口枷屋モイラ」と、童話のような世界を描くデビューしたてのイノセントな作家「村田タマ」によるコラボ展。 滅びた世界で、亡き主人のインプットした情報により、2体のアンドロイドが想像で”女子高生”の日常を演じるというSFストーリー「少女ロイド」をテーマとしたコラボ作品をメインに展示。
In a future in which mankind has disappeared, 2 androids take on the appearance and mannerisms of high school girls as they were programmed to be by their long deceased master, in this science fiction inspired “Girldroid” collaboration exhibition.
April 17 (Wed) -April 28 (Sun) Kuchikaseya Moira & Murata Tama collaborative exhibition “Girldroid – Girl’s Fiction”
Gallery hours during the exhibition are 12:00-18:00 from Wednesday through Sunday (19:00 on Friday)
The Gallery is closed on Monday and Tuesday.