While to some it may seem a simple task, to capture the essence of the body in photograph is difficult indeed. From her “Sawako” series to her newest “Musho no Ai” works (translating as “Selfless Love”), Kuroda Misato achieves a particular intimacy, seeming to sense the blood flowing through the body of her subject. She is driven by the ideas of affection and the inquisitive heart, and slowly reveals the secrets of the body.
Iizawa Kotaro (photography critic)
まだ性に意識を持ち出したばかりの頃、道端に落ちているポルノ雑誌をドキドキしながらページを捲ってみた。表紙の写真からどういったものが写っているかは分かっていた。そこに写っている女を見て、私は子供ながらに身体が熱くなった。いけないものを見てしまった、という快感に近い罪悪感は、私の身体をより熱くさせた。白く切り抜かれた修正部は、まるで女の秘部が光っているかのように見え、世の中の男はこういった女の裸を見て興奮しているかと思うと、写真に写っている女がまるで女神のように見えた。女が絶対的な存在であると感じたのだ。その時の興奮は私の身体の中に燻り続け、未だその熱は冷める事を知らない。(文/クロダミサト) When I was still young and only first understanding the idea of sexuality, I happened upon a discarded porno magazine and nervously flipped through the pages. Front the picture on the cover, I knew what I was going to see inside. Seeing the image of the woman sent a warm sensation throughout my young body. I was looking at something that I should not have been looking at, and that pleasure that bordered on decadence made it all the more exciting. The whited out portions of her naked images appeared to me as though her most private parts were shining out from the pages. Imagining this woman to be the object of desire of the men who look at her, I could not but see the image of Venus in her pictures. I realized how absolutely necessary women were. The excitement I felt at that time has smoldered within me since, the heat of which I have never known to diminish.(Kuroda Misato)